Thursday, January 29, 2009

My sister's caterpillars

My sister Caroline got her butterfly habitat from Christmas. Today, the caterpillars arrived in the mail. She got five caterpillars. The caterpillars all look like baby worms and they are brownish-black. In a few weeks, they will turn into Painted Lady butterflies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My day

Yesterday it was really cold, wet, and slippery and today it was mostly the same. This morning when I was coming in with a chicken egg I was walking on some ice and I almost slid and fell. But I caught my balance and I was safe.

After I got inside it was time to school work. I wrote a story about snow. Then, I did some math work. It was triple-digit addition and subtraction. I missed a few but then I noticed what I did and I fixed them. I read some history and science.

One neat thing that I read in my science was about freezing water. When you put water in a glass jar outside on a cold day, the water can freeze and break the jar. Also, I learned that you can make aspirin from coal.

Today I saw some birds from my bedroom window out on the road. There were two birds. One was brown and white and one was red. That was a female cardinal because the males are brighter red and this one was darker.

I like to play Monopoly because it is a fun game. I play with my mother and father. I have won four times, my father has won three and my mother has never won. I like the pot of gold piece.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Latin

Today my Latin work was hard but fun to do! I reviewed my questions and learned a Latin song called "Dona Nobis Pacem" and practiced the Sanctus. Here are some Latin words I know. They are Deus, gloria, via, amo, and ambulo. My Latin is fun!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jonathan Kenney

My name is Jonathan Kenney and I am seven years old. I like to get eggs from our chicken coop. In fact, when I went to check them this morning there was one egg. Then when I returned with their food and water I saw that there was another egg in the coop!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Gupta Dynasty

People in the Gupta dynasty had kings that conquered some kingdoms near India.  These are the names of the kings that conquered the kingdoms near India: Chandragupta, Samudragupta, Kumargupta, and Skandagupta.  

Why I like the Gupta Dynasty is because the kings made smaller kingdoms unite with their kingdom.